Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We will be leaving in about two hours to head for the airport and as most of you know there have been a few set backs but everything seems to be calm and normal right now so hopefully we'll make it. I am asking everyone to please keep us in your prayers as we start travelling today and then after we get home as well. Today the kids all had a little part of their devotionals dedicated to Jess and me and it has really had an affect on us. We are so excited to come home to our families and friends but doing that means we are leaving another family behind here and that's extremely hard for us right now. Thank you all so much for the prayers encouragement and love you have sent our way over the past 2 months it has meant more to us than you guys will ever know i'm so excited to come home and share everything with everyone! hopefully i'll be back in several hours!! Everyone have an amazing day!

In Him,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last Full Week of Classes!!

We have officially began the last week of teaching. It's extremely bittersweet. I don't think Jessica or I neither one know exactly how we feel about it. Of course we're excited to come home and see everyone but leaving here and leaving these kids behind is going to be one of the hardest things i think i've ever had to do. The connection we've formed with all of them is one that we'd form with family at home and i honestly feel like i'm leaving one family and coming home to another. I have said many times before how the one thing i believe i've learned the most about is faith and relying on God since i've been here and i now, more than ever, feel that way. Before i came i was so nervous about what i was getting into. I was leaving my family, who i'd never left for more than a week, and going to a whole different country where i didn't fluently speak their language, and on top of all that i was going to be moving in with someone i literally barely knew. God showed me how amazing he really is throughout the past 2 months in the way he's worked in and through me. He has helped me learn my way here and helped me learn the language a little better to help with the communication barrier. The best part has seeing him work through jessica and i's friendship. You would think after living together for 24/7 we'd get in some kind of fight or get on the other's nerves but we've only grown closer and closer and i'm now coming home with someone i know i will be friends with for a lifetime! I can not stress enough how important it is to give everything to God and just put ALL your FAITH in him! I can't wait to see everyone! have a wonderful day!

James 2:17-18

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We had a very slow day today! Nothing very exciting happened. We had school where Jess's junior high class had a test today and everyone came up on their average and did very well! She was so excited about it because that is her most challenging class and they have progressed majorily! After classes today Jess and i went into the city to do a little grocery shopping and came back to the campus and went to the nightly prayer with the kids. Tonight was AMAZING with them. Jess and i each had atleast 4 kids with us praying. Of course i had Gerson yet again and he just sat in my lap for over 20 minutes! Another child, Lupita, came and sat with me tonight. She just sat there and read her bible for 30 minutes. It was so great to see her in God's Word. Afterwards we walked Gerson, Lupita, and the little boy that was with Jess, Carlos back to the kid's house because it was time for them to be in bed. When we got there they all wanted us to tuck them into bed! It was the sweetest thing ever. Gerson and Jefferson had me read them a bedtime story which magically turned into two stories of course! I love these kids all so much and have no idea how i'm going to be able to leave them all in only two weeks. I came here planning to teach all these children and be a light for them which i'd like to think i have been however i know that without these kids my learning experience and the growth i've had in my spiritual life wouldn't have been as great as it has been. They have taught me so much on love and patience and faith! The light they have been for me has made this trip for me more than worth it! I can't wait to bring home what they've taught me to share with everyone at home! Hope everyone has a great rest of the night and day tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Water Water EVERYWHERE!!!

Today was yet another good day! It started out a little rough! In my english class today my class was doing worksheets and i had been getting onto them for talking too much so when a little boy, Caleb, told me i had a spider on me i got onto him and told him it was not time for joking and to do his worksheet and he said "teacher, really, a spider!" Next thing i know the whole class was screaming and jumping up and down, and low and behold there was a tarantula crawling up my leg! If that's not enough about 15 minutes later there was yet another one on the hood of my sweater! It was crazy!! The day luckily got better as it progressed. My classes are all still going extremely smooth and we're just trying to wrap up since we'll be leaving in two weeks! My preschool class is finally learning english which is so exciting. Katie and I decided to tag team together and combine our classes and that's helped quite a bit! There were no nannies today so after school we went to the kids house to help them with their chores and everything and just hang out with them which is always amazing! Afterwards i went back upstairs to grade my math class workbooks and after i got finished i went downstairs and when i came back Jessica was no where to be found! So i searched for her and finally found her downstairs in the main devotion area where Dorcas had been doing her chores and decided to go the extra mile and clean behind the washing machine where she somehow busted the pipe and water went EVERYWHERE and Jessica was down there vacuuming up all the water!!! Jess is such the trooper! I later found out that Dorcas had done the same thing with the stove and pulled that cord out as well and gas went all over the place! It was a very exciting afternoon here as you can tell!

Next Friday is Jessica's art show so this week and weekend she's going to be getting that together and i'm going to help as much as i can without getting in the way! It's a ton of work so pray for her! She's very good at this kind of thing so i have full confidence in her but i think she's get a little nervous about it! Also pray for us as we wind everything here down and for God to prepare our hearts for leaving and coming back home! Hope all is well at home! Thank you again for everyone's continuous prayers and support over the past several months!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Today was a great day! We took the older ones of La Senda bowling but they decided they didn't really like it so we took them to a Chuck E. Cheese! I know crazy that they have Chuck E. Cheese here right? We had a blast though. We then took them to lunch and headed to the grocery store there in the was so fun having the kids with us we had a blast! While we were there Jess and I decided to buy the kids a movie because every friday and saturday the kids get to watch a movie depending on their behavior throughout the week. So i found the movie "The Game Plan" and we decided to get that. When the kids saw we had gotten it they were so excited. So we spent the night with them watching the movie and just being there with the kids it was one of the best nights we've had here so far! I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Our day today!!

Today was an overall good day! We only had half a day of classes so me and Jess went to antigua where we planned to just grab some lunch walk around a little then head back to La Senda for the weekend. Well for the past 2 weeks i've been expecting a package from home so when we went to the post office today to check the mail i was very excited to find out that i had received the package but they told me that i could not get it until 3 because they were out to lunch at the moment so Jess and I went and got lunch and just hung out till 3 and went back to the post office where they told us that the package was in Guatemala City, which is about 45 min away from antigua so we found a taxi and decided to try to hurry and make it because the post office in Guatemala City is only open till 4:30 we finally made and rushed to the post office, which was still open! I was so excited! So we found the office we were supposed to go to and we were then informed that i had to have either a guatemalan id or my passport which i had neither, and my driver's licsence wouldn't suffice. So we try to coax them into giving me my box for about twenty minutes and they weren't having it so we left the post office...without my box...Needless to say we were both pretty bummed when we left and felt like we had just wasted an entire day. It wasn't until later tonight that i realized the Lord was teaching me a lesson through all this. For the past two weeks i have been so incredibly anxious to get my box and my stuff from home and i was willing to do alot for this box of "things". All the box has in it is some school supplies, shirts, and a few odd and in things mom threw in there for me. I do not need this box. Yes it'd be nice to have but is it worth stressing over? or running around like a crazy person trying to get to it? or get upset and frustrated with the people at the post office because they were doing their jobs and that interfered with me having what i wanted? no it definitely was not. I believe the Lord was showing me today not only to be patient and wait for him but to realize the importance or in this case unimportance of some things.

On the way back from guatemala city on the bus Jessica sat next to a little boy about 3 years old and his mother was beside me on the other side. Jess had some little action figures left from a couple weeks ago when we handed out the cheerios, water, and toys to the homeless. So she pulled them out and gave them to the little boy and played with him on the way back. You could tell this meant quite a bit to the mother and that she was very thankful toward Jess for the way she was handling her son. Jessica brought up another good point tonight on why we went through what we did today with my mail...What if the Lord just put us in that exact situation to put us on that bus with that mother and son to be a light to them and to show them God's love. That in itself is a million times over worth the stress and disappointment i felt today after not receiving my box.

Today was Yeny's 10th birthday we all celebrated it tonight with her! It was an amazing time to spend with the kids! I have fallen in love with these kids i don't know how i'm going to be able to leave them in only a few weeks! Tomorrow we are taking 3 of the older kids into guatemala city for bowling and lunch tomorrow we are so excited about it! we can't wait and they seem pretty excited as well! Hope everyone at home is doing well! Have a great weekend and thank you again for all the continuing love prayers and support you are sending me!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

3 Weeks

Happy Wednesday! Today was a good day! I can not believe that in three weeks from today i will be back in Nashville! Classes are going by so smoothly now it's like i've been doing it forever. Steve and Pam had Jessica myself katie and david over for dinner tonight! It was really good to fellowship with everyone! My favorite part of the night now is when 7 p.m comes and we do the prayer time in the main area where devotionals are held. There is a little boy who has been coming to me during the prayer time recently and sitting with me and praying with me for the past couple times and it has touched my heart in so many ways. Seeing a child connect with the Lord on the level they have in these past few weeks is an inspiration for me. I can not wait to get home and share the stories with everyone! Have a very blessed day tomorrow!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The weekend

This weekend we got a little adventurous and hiked a volcano!! It was amazing with what we got to experience! It was an experience you only dream of getting to have and never think you'll experience first hand. Other than that we didn't do very much this weekend. The volcano trip lasted all day saturday and wore us out! We went to church today and it was amazing as usual. It actually had a great lesson that opened my eyes and is what i've decided to focus my blog on for today!

1 Corinthians 13:1-3-
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,but have not love, it profits me nothing.

This is what the Pastor started out with today. It meant alot to me because it reminded me of how no matter how frustrating things with my kids get here the main thing is just to show them love. Even if they learn nothing more than they knew before i got here it's fine as long as they see the love of God shine through me. And it's something that we all need to learn and show at home everyday of our lives to everyone we come in contact with. Our purpose is on this earth is to be a light for the Lord and show people who He is and what He has done for us and the one way we can do that is show them love and compassion no matter how hard that may be at some points in life. I just felt that laid on my heart to share with everyone! Hope all is well at home and will see everyone in just a few short weeks!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life in Guatemala!!!

Again i've let it take too long for me to write! I'm really sorry i have not done better at keeping up with everything on my blogs! This past weekend in Antigua was great! We both just took the weekend to relax. We didn't do much at all but it was so great! On Sunday after church our ride was running a little late so we decided to just walk around to pass the time. In Antigua there are quite a few homeless people on the streets and jessica and I just don't feel comfortable giving them actual money, but we were both tired of just walking right past them and not doing anything for them. So Jess had the idea of going and buying food so we went to the grocery store and bought a box of cheerios and 2 1.5lt bottles of water and some cups and walked around and handed out water and cheerios and the thankfulness we received from these people was extremely humbling! It was an amazing experience i wanted to share with everyone!

Over the past few weeks i've been learning more and more about just letting God take control
of things and putting my faith in that everything is predestined and only helps me grow more closer to the Lord. I've been struggling with what my purpose in life is and what i want to do with the rest of my life and been trying to figure that out even before i came to La Senda but something i've learned in the past week through scripture and a song that jessica introduced me to is that our life is not our life to plan. Our life is all about serving the Lord and giving everything we have to him and following wherever he leads us. Even in my darkest times now i can just remember that and it make me feel one hundred times beter!

I hope all is well at home and am going to be home in ONE MONTH! how crazy is that seems like i just got here and now it's almost time for me to be home

This is the song that i have been listening to quite a bit over the past week that has meant alot to me! I just wanted to share with everyone!

You are my forever love

From the bottom of my heart I’ll sing to You
From the depths of who I am I love You
With everything inside I’ll run to You
‘Cause all that I’ve become I owe to You

From the bottom of my heart I’ll sing to You
From the depths of who I am I love You
With everything inside I’ll run to You
‘Cause all that I’ve become I owe to You

Nothing in this world could ever separate us
I will love You more than anyone on earth
Nothing I desire could ever satisfy me the way that You do

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Today was a good day! In our English classes we are teaching our kids Psalms 91 they are supposed to have it memorized by the end of the school year. So we are only doing a couple verses with them but it's still amazing to watch these kids grow in their walk with God. Tomorrow is only half a day of classes because they are doing a huge Valentine's Day party with the kids at the school so we're very excited to be a part of that. Then we are headed to Antigua to show Dave and Katie around! I can't believe we only have 5 weeks left here! The time has flown by. Keep us in your prayers please as the end of the quarter approaches and we start winding things up with the kids! I hope all is well at home with everyone! See you soon!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Great start to a new week!

Today was a very good start to our week. We had the new couple arrive late this afternoon. Their names are Katie and David. She is 25 and he is 23. They are very young and just married a few months ago and the Lord led them here to teach till June. They are a great inspiration! My 2nd grade math class had another test today and i just graded them and they all did fairly well with a few exceptions but i'm learning not to let that get me down!

Every night the kids do a prayer time from 7-8 where there is light music playing and candles lit where the kids come and pray and they can stay as long or as short as they'd like. Tonight i decided to go use that time with the Lord myself and so i went down there and sat in there with the kids and prayed also. It was an amazing experience to see these kids pray. It was all silently but you could just tell the children that were in there were there to spend it with God they were so intensely into their prayers you could tell they were connected and i'm talking about children ages ranging from 7-17. The Lord definitely opened my eyes to what 1 Timothy 4:12 really means.

I hope all is well at home with everyone. Have an amazing week and God Bless.

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.---1 Timothy 4:12

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Great Weekend!

We went to a new place this weekend!! We took a two hour shuttle/van ride to a place called Panajachel! We had a great RELAXING weekend there. On saturday we took a little boat to a small village called San Marcos and found a nice little hotel where we ate lunch and laid out on a beach! It was exactly what the two of us needed. It was an amazing weekend!

Over the past several weeks of being here Jessica and I have stepped out of our comfort zones quite a few times and have learned how to put our trust in the Lord. I just wanted to share how he has shown himself to us with you guys...Every weekend we try to find something a little different to do or something to get us to venture out and explore a little more. Everytime we do this we rely on our faith in the Lord to see us through and keep us safe. On that note every weekend we have been here we have met someone new who has either gone out of their way to help us get where we need to go or to befriend us or someone the Lord sent to us to just lift our spirits and be a light to us. For example, this weekend we ventured out on our own truly for the first time since we've been here, every other time we've had a little help from steve and pam or one of the teachers here, but this weekend we had to find our own transportation and our own ways and skills on how to get us where we were going and how to get back to La Senda safely. On the shuttle ride down to Panajachel we met a woman who had been before to Pana and was telling us all about it on our way up to it. When we got there we weren't sure on where we were going to be staying we had checked a few places out and just hadn't made a complete decision this woman took us to the hotel we were staying and got us a room and made sure we were ok before departing us. The next day we weren't sure how to get where we needed to for the boats to get to the other villages and we coincidentally bumped into the same woman on the side of the street and instead of just pointing us to the way we needed to go she took us all the way to the docks, put us on the boat we needed, and then stood there and waited for us to take off to make sure we were ok and was still standing there waving as we turned around when we were taking off. It has just amazed me at the way God has put people into our lifes to make it that much easier and stressfree on us!

The new couple is going to be arriving tomorrow! They are a young newlywed couple who are coming to teach here also for three months so keep these guys in your prayers! Hope all is well with everyone back home! Thank you again for all the continuing love and support and i will see everyone very soon!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feburary 5, 2008

Hello!!! Sorry again that it's been so long since i have written! This week has been crazy. On monday two of the teachers quit leaving Pam and Steve in quite a mess with the lack of teachers and poor Jessica has had to pick up alot of the slack so be sure to remember her in your prayers! On top of that I woke up very early Monday morning not feeling well, and now we have all determined i had a small encounter with food poisoning!!! Leave it to me right?! Other than that everything has been going fairly well! There is a couple arriving Monday afternoon who will be staying here until June so keep them in your prayers there in for quite a lot when they arrive! I hope all is well at home and PROMISE to write again soon!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Weekend

We are back in Antigua again for the weekend!

The week at school went really well this week i didn't have any problems at all with my classes. Friday was half a day for the kids so we got finished by 12:30 and Pam took Jessica and me to a very nice restaurant here in Antigua and commended us on the jobs we were both doing and told us how appreciative everyone at La Senda was for us so that meant alot to us both and was really nice to hear! We are excited for church tomorrow we have been hanging out alot with the people we have met there this weekend and went to a park today with a few of them and played soccer! It was a blast the Lord has blessed us greatly with the people he has placed in our lives while we are here! Sorry for not writing as much as i have previously things have picked up quite a bit and we have also gotten in such a routine that it's the same thing everyday and that leads for very boring blogs for you guys! Hope everyone at home is doing wonderfully and have a great weekend!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Beginning of Week 3

Today was the first test for my 2nd grade math class. Suprisingly they all did very well. No one made less than a 85 so i was really excited to see that! Everything has become so smooth here and school online is starting to be just as good! I can't stress enough how thankful i am to everyone for your prayers i know i wouldn't be having the success i am without them all.

All my other classes are going extremely well as well. My kindergarten math class finally learned their months of the year and days of the week in english which is a huge milestone for them! As soon as i walked in the classroom today they all started singing it to me and were extremely proud of themselves, as they should be. I can not wait to come home and share all my experiences with everyone in person. Hope everyone has a great night!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

We went to Antigua again this weekend, once again it was amazing. We met quite a few people and even went to lunch with three of the girls from the church we attend out here. The service at Camino today was a amazing service once again. The people in the church who are here on ministry work gave their testimonies and it was very eye opening. It is an awesome place that continues to grow and share the Word of God with this country and it needs to be kept in everyone's prayers! Brother Jonathan will be happy to know we met a guy from Kentucky today. He just graduated from UK and is out here doing some missionary work as well with a hospital out here. It's so great to see and hear the stories of all the other people who are here for the exact reason we are, to share the love of Jesus Christ. Everything here is going so well. I can not believe we are about to start our third week here. The time is flying by. I'm excited to start another school week and see what the Lord does in our lives this week. Thank you to everyone once again for your prayers and support. I hope everyone at home is doing amazing!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22, 2009

I'm sorry i have not been writing this week things have been crazy. Things with classes have been going extremely smoothly all week i see the Lord's work more and more every day. I'm excited to see how far the kids go and mature in the time i spend here! We've finally gotten down a daily routine and so that helps out alot, it also leaves for less exciting news for you guys. Sorry!

I am in very much need of prayers. I found out today that a close friend of mine from home was killed in a car accident this morning and am struggling to keep it together here please keep me and his family in your prayers. His name was Bradley Krantz

Sunday, January 18, 2009

La Camino

As you read in the last post we found a christian cafe this weekend called Cafe Ywam owned and ran by English Christians in Antigua. While we were there we were told about an English church in Antigua called La Camina. It is a bilingual church that was started a few years ago. It was absolutely amazing. The preacher would preach a few lines and then there was a girl who translated it to Spanish. The songs were sung one verse in English the next in Spanish. The way these people brought the two cultures together to worship the same Lord was a very amazing experience. I have never felt the Lord so present in my life. The pastor asked specifically prayer for his staff so that's what i'm asking from everyone is to be in prayer for the staff of the church and also just the church in general. What they are doing is amazing and very inspiring. I wish everyone had the chance to get to experience what Jessica and I were able to this morning it is a life experience all in its own. Be praying for that church and for further success for them!

Weekend in Antigua!

This weekend was so amazing! We went into Antigua and stayed at a place called Casa Rustica it was extremely secure and the management there was extremely nice. They were very helpful and very patient with our lack of knowledge towards their language. We found a little Cafe called Cafe Ywam, which is a christian based coffee shop ran by Americans! There werre quite a few American people there that were studying spanish and staying at homes in Antigua that we got to meet. We also met 3 German guys that are our age that were in Antigua for the weekend because they were on vacation from teaching at an orphanage in Honduras. They have been there for 6 months and still have 6 more to go they were amazing people make sure you keep them in your prayers. Their names were Mario, Benidict, and Nils! We also met a girl from Alabama who is just traveling the world studying different languages and cultures! Our trip to Antigua this weekend could not have gone any better! We have already made reservations again for next weekend:)

Friday, January 16, 2009


WE had another very good day with classes! I did a review with my 2nd grade math class on what we'd been over this past week and they've learned alot more than what i realized, so that was extremely good to see!

Two of the teachers here are taking us to Antigua where me and Jessica will be staying for the weekend. we are both extremely excited to be getting off campus and being on our own for a couple of days! Hope everything is going well at home! Keep the prayers going they are working miracles. I've realized the past week how amazing the Lord we serve really is! It's great!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15, 2009

Today was one of the better days! In my second grade math class we got alot accomplished! So that was extremely exciting! We have gotten pretty close with one of the teachers and she has helped us alot and is even going to teach us spanish! Maybe i'll come back fluent:) I just wanted to give everyone an update and thank everyone again! See everyone soon!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14, 2009

Today was better! My math class seemed to comprehend what i was teaching a little better than the past couple of days. We've been a little extra tired and moving more slowly than normal but Steve came up to our rooms earlier and explained that there had been a phone call telling him and Pam that they were really impressed with the "American Volunteers" he said that is the first time that they have EVER had a phone call to compliment their volunteers so that also picked our spirits up a little bit:) hope all is well with everyone!


Today was a little bit better but not too much. All the students have pretty much forgotten the english they knew so it's VERY hard to communicate with them. I am trying very hard to get the patience i need but it's starting to get very difficult. Still the main class that needs to be prayed about the most is my 2nd grade math class. They are all very full of energy and are hard to control especially when you have 17 spanish speaking children running around a classroom not able to understand the commands i give to them. I'm praying really hard right now that God will allow some kind of something to take place to restore my patience and enthusiasm to show me that these kids are understanding just a little of what i'm teaching atleast. I hope all is well at home and thanks againg to everyone for their prayers and support

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First day of classes

The first day of classes went pretty much as expected. The children who do not live at La Senda(which is the majority of the students) have been without English for about 3 months now so they've all forgotten what they learned so it's pretty much back to square one with that. It was pretty frustrating but i know the Lord will be with Jessica and I as we struggle to communicate with the children. In my second grade math class is where i'm going to be needing most of your prayers. The first lesson was reviewing counting up to 100 and only a few select students knew how to count higher than 30 so i've got my work cut out for me in there. I appreciate all the love and support everyone is sending our way it's one thing that keeps my spirits high and frustration low. I think it's just beginning to settle for jessica and i that we are away from everything we know and are in a completely different place where all we really have are one another so i really need some prayer when it comes to us keeping our spirits high and knowing that we are here for a reason bigger than us. Thanks again to everyone and sorry for no blog yesterday the internet was down! I'll be sure to get on again later and fill everyone in on the events of today!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 11, 2009

Today was a good day all in all. Me and Jessica decided to sleep in today and we both slept till about 10! So that was good:) Instead of going to church with Pam and Steve and the kids we decided to have our own little worship time together where we shared our testimonies and just got to know each other a little more and after that i honestly can not imagine having anyone better to be here with to experience all this with. We are both in very similiar places in not only our walk with God but also in life. We both opened up with each other quite a bit today and i really enjoyed it and am extremely glad we took the time to do that! It just shows how amazing the Lord we serve is he knew exactly who to place me here with to get the most out of the experience! After that today we(and in saying we i mean jessica) fixed a very good lunch for us, we ate very well today and are both a little more relieved about what we're going to have to eat here...we also went back into the city today to the hardware store with Steve a four of the older children, where we figured out Jessica and I were scammed when we got our phones! The man selling them to us sold us 150 regular minutes and 600 guatemalan bonus minutes which we were told could be used for international calls, but today we were informed they were only for local calls so we are now stuck with 550 local minutes on our phones that we will not use! But it's ok...we're trying to stay optimistic with that! Tomorrow is the first day of classes so be praying for us we are both extremely nervous! We are both extremely grateful for everyone's support and prayers we are very fortunate to have such amazing people behind us. Thanks to all and see you all soon!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

La Senda

Today was the day we met with Pam to figure out our curriculum and exactly what is going to be expected of us and it's quite a bit more than what Jessica or I either one really expected I think. We will definately need to be remembered in everyones prayers that's the only thing, along with the Lord of course, that is going to get us through. We are both very anxiously awaiting Monday to arrive to see if we are in for more than what we bargained for. I'm very excited to see what the Lord has in store for the two of us, we both know it's going to be something amazing and that He will not give us more than what we can handle but at the moment we are a tad apprehensive. Other than that everything is going amazing i couldn't imagine it going any better. We are both completely settled into what will be our home for the next three months and have been amazed at how great our accomodations are. We both got our own bedrooms and bathrooms! The Lord has blessed us in so many ways already and it's only the second day:) As i said before i can not wait to see what lies ahead for the next couple of months. I miss everyone so much already but know i will be home before any of us ever realizes I've left! I hope everyone has a fantastic night and I am sure i will have plenty more to fill everyone in on in the following days. Thank you to everyone for your support and prayers and keep them coming! Until next time!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

We made it!!

We finally made it! It's been an extremely long journey today but we are finally at La Senda and unpacked and settled in! So far everything has gone extremely smoothly! We haven't had any major complications thrown our way the Lord has been great to us and made everything for us so easy and which helps alot since we're both stressed out about teaching and getting everything prepared for monday(the day classes start) Please keep jessica and myself in your prayers. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support! I am so blessed to have the amazing family, friends, and church family that i have to help me through this. I love each and every one of you!! Everyone have a great night!

Until next time!