Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Weekend

We are back in Antigua again for the weekend!

The week at school went really well this week i didn't have any problems at all with my classes. Friday was half a day for the kids so we got finished by 12:30 and Pam took Jessica and me to a very nice restaurant here in Antigua and commended us on the jobs we were both doing and told us how appreciative everyone at La Senda was for us so that meant alot to us both and was really nice to hear! We are excited for church tomorrow we have been hanging out alot with the people we have met there this weekend and went to a park today with a few of them and played soccer! It was a blast the Lord has blessed us greatly with the people he has placed in our lives while we are here! Sorry for not writing as much as i have previously things have picked up quite a bit and we have also gotten in such a routine that it's the same thing everyday and that leads for very boring blogs for you guys! Hope everyone at home is doing wonderfully and have a great weekend!


  1. Mackenzie, So glad things are going so well. It is amazing what God will do if we just get out of his way and let him. I am very proud of you but also very glad you have found a church home there.
    Love You

  2. I work with Kathye Beach, my name is Joyce, I think it's a wonderful thing you are doing. God will bless you for more than you will ever be able to realize. I shall pray for your strength and that HE will continue to bless you. He is such an awesome GOD, how can we not serve HIM.
