Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We had a very slow day today! Nothing very exciting happened. We had school where Jess's junior high class had a test today and everyone came up on their average and did very well! She was so excited about it because that is her most challenging class and they have progressed majorily! After classes today Jess and i went into the city to do a little grocery shopping and came back to the campus and went to the nightly prayer with the kids. Tonight was AMAZING with them. Jess and i each had atleast 4 kids with us praying. Of course i had Gerson yet again and he just sat in my lap for over 20 minutes! Another child, Lupita, came and sat with me tonight. She just sat there and read her bible for 30 minutes. It was so great to see her in God's Word. Afterwards we walked Gerson, Lupita, and the little boy that was with Jess, Carlos back to the kid's house because it was time for them to be in bed. When we got there they all wanted us to tuck them into bed! It was the sweetest thing ever. Gerson and Jefferson had me read them a bedtime story which magically turned into two stories of course! I love these kids all so much and have no idea how i'm going to be able to leave them all in only two weeks. I came here planning to teach all these children and be a light for them which i'd like to think i have been however i know that without these kids my learning experience and the growth i've had in my spiritual life wouldn't have been as great as it has been. They have taught me so much on love and patience and faith! The light they have been for me has made this trip for me more than worth it! I can't wait to bring home what they've taught me to share with everyone at home! Hope everyone has a great rest of the night and day tomorrow!


  1. hey sister - just checking in with you to say we are praying for you, we are proud of you, and can't wait to see you. we hope the Lord continues to use this experience to teach you many things, even in the short time that is left.

    btw, are you still reading through the bible? if you get a chance, please email me and let me know if you are.

    p.s. here's some food for thought :)

    1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:2, Philippians 1:27, Colossians 2:8

    Tracy and JoAnna

  2. good to hear from you. hope you have a great week! Keep on shining!

  3. 'Kenzie,
    Just stoppin' by to say "Hey" and I can't wait to hear all about the art show. I'm so proud of you, keep showing His love.
    Love Ya, ~Serena
